Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    What does a Pelvic Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment Look Like?

    Saturday, October 01, 2022 12:33 PM Comment(s) By Nav Grewal, PT

    All the essential details below.

    teaching patient pelvic exercises

    By now, you may have read about what a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist is and what the Pelvic Floor does. In this article, we outline what an assessment looks like and what treatment options might be used.

    Medical History

    Your Pelvic Health Therapist will take a complete history of your symptoms including when they started, when they bother you, your medical history and your goals for physiotherapy.

    External Assessment

    As the pelvic floor muscles work with your hips, back, and abdomen, all these muscle groups may be assessed dependent on your concern. The testing may be getting you to do certain movements and testing for muscle strength to test both strength and flexibility.

    Internal Assessment

    Your examination MAY include an internal component, depending on your symptoms. When this may be deemed appropriate, the physiotherapist will discuss with you thoroughly how the examination will be performed and what will be tested. Most of the time patients are wanting to have this examination so they know what is causing their symptoms. However, if you do not feel comfortable, please note that the internal component is not a requirement and will not be performed without your consent.

    Assessment Findings: 

    The physiotherapist will verbally tell you of their assessment findings and based on this will provide you with treatment, which may include any of the following:

    manual therapy: stretching and massage techniques performed by the physiotherapist

    strengthening and stretching exercises: these will be homework for you to perform at home

    education: certain tips to alleviate the symptoms you are feeling

    Questions: Any questions you may have will be addressed at this point and further information will be provided

    Treatment Planning: based on your symptoms and presentation, the physiotherapist will guide you towards how often to come in, what further treatment will look like and that they will email you the exercises to follow along with at home.

    And, that’s it! If you have any further questions about assessment and treatment please comment below, e-mail us at hello@kaaiaa.co, or book a free phone consult.

    Nav Grewal, PT