Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    Anatomy of The Pelvic Floor

    Thursday, September 01, 2022 07:24 PM Comment(s) By Nav Grewal, PT

    Read about the most unknown set of muscles in the human body

    In the past ten years, the term “pelvic floor” has become more and more common, but it still remains a mystery to many, despite it being one of the most significant parts of the body.

    So, what exactly is the pelvic floor?

    The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and connective tissue that runs between the pubic bone and tailbone, front to back. It acts as a sling and supports essential organs in our body, including the bladder, bowel, and uterus. Not only does it structurally and physically support these organs but it also supports their function.

    The pelvic floor muscles are contracting 24/7, working hard all day long to keep everything inside of us, until we want it to come out (urination and bowel movements). Issues can arise when there is weakening of the pelvic floor. We often think of urinary leakage and peeing our pants while on a trampoline to be a common thing with aging and giving birth, however, just because it is common does not mean that you need to continue to live with it. (More on this later!).

    In essence, it is an integral part of the body that is a part of our core, working with the low back, abdominal, and hip muscles. It is engaged with walking, running, laughing, coughing, bending, lifting…just about anything. Paying attention to our pelvic floor when you have symptoms such as leakage, frequency, pain and pressure can help guide you to getting the right treatment, such as Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy, for yourself.

    Questions? Comment below, e-mail us at hello@kaaiaa.co or book a complimentary phone consult HERE.

    Nav Grewal, PT