Prenatal + Postpartum Pelvic Health
One of our specialties is caring for women during pregnancy and postpartum and all of our Physiotherapists have specific training to help you on your journey.

Pregnancy may be the best time to start your labour prep journey, and we can start as soon as you would like to. We recommend coming in as soon as you feel comfortable (late first or early second trimester) because doing exercises are easier at this time as compared to 36 weeks.
Having said that, it is never too late and we can certainly prepare for labour adequately later on in the third trimester as well.
Our Physiotherapists have taken special training to help you during pregnancy and will assess your back, hips, abdomen, along with your pelvic floor via a vaginal internal examination (only if you wish us to!). This gives us a good indication of what your range of motion, mobility, and strength is like and we provide you with exercises to do at home. There is strong research to indicate that doing Pelvic Physiotherapy during pregnancy can help to reduce issues at the time and postpartum and this is our goal for you.
Beyond this, towards the end of pregnancy we cover perineal massage, which is internal massage you or your partner can perform to help relax the vaginal muscles in preparation for delivery. During the same appointment we usually cover pushing techniques, unless you have a scheduled c-section. Expectant mothers usually leave feeling well prepared and confident heading into labour and delivery.

The Pelvic Floor Therapy Wand
Innovative design for hard to reach spots
The Pelvic Floor Therapy Wand
Innovative design for hard to reach spots
Behold the pelvic floor wand. You might have been told your pelvic floor is tight, has trigger points, or to do perineal massage to help reduce tearing during childbirth. That massaging 'down there' will be beneficial for pelvic pain, pain with sex, urinary urgency, frequency, hip and pubic pain. But...what if reaching down there is hard? Or... the spots that are tight are way inside the vaginal canal? OR...your pregnancy belly doesn't let you reach down there? And, finally, if there is no one to help or you don't want anyone to help?
This is where the pelvic therapy wand comes in. Shaped with a curve to get into the muscle and for easier hold, it can reach spots that your fingers can't with comfort. Avoid straining your wrist and holding your breath to reach down there.
Scared? Don't be. Only the first few centimeters go in, the rest is for holding so you can access the muscles.
NOTE: Recommended to use with the guidance of your pelvic floor physiotherapist for safety.
To purchase your wand, please e-mail for pickup in clinic or to arrange delivery outside of Calgary.
Price: $55.00 + tax

Postpartum care can look different person to person as each delivery is unique. Care can begin as early as you wish, but it is standard to start at six weeks postpartum. Having said this, we have seen clients earlier on at 2-4 weeks, especially if they are getting any pelvic symptoms related to pelvic organ prolapse: heaviness, pressure, bulging, feeling something is sitting low and down, protrusion. In this case we can get you started with gentle exercises.
At six weeks postpartum we check for ab separation, scar tissue externally and internally, muscle strength, and prolapse. We can advise you for safe return to physical activity based on our assessment and give you specific exercises to do, to help you return to your daily activities and exercise without issues (including intercourse). The number of visits will depend on the issues you are experiencing. We have seen mothers just once to do a postpartum check in, and at other times it can be several sessions.