Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    What is Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy?

    Monday, August 29, 2022 09:01 PM Comment(s) By Nav Grewal, PT

    Providing care for men and women of all ages

    The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, tendons, and ligaments deep within the body that helps with bladder and bowel control, supports the organs, and stabilizes the hips, low back and abdomen. As the body changes during pregnancy, there is additional impact and pressure on the pelvic floor, leading the muscles to lengthen and work harder, which is what they are meant to do. However, if women face issues such as leakages, urinary urgency/frequency, abdominal separation, and pain with intercourse, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy may help reduce and eliminate these concerns.

    What is Pelvic Physiotherapy?

    Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor by a trained Pelvic Physiotherapist. Depending on the concern, it may include hands-on therapy, exercise prescription, and patient education to address specific conditions, and prevent pelvic floor issues that can come about with aging and childbirth. 

    Pelvic Physiotherapy may help address the following signs, symptoms, and conditions:

    -bladder leakages

    -bladder urgency + frequency

    -bowel leakages or incontinence

    -bowel urgency

    -abdominal separation

    -pelvic girdle pain (vaginal, low back, hip, pubic, groin, tailbone)

    -pain with sex

    -pelvic organ prolapse

    -chronic constipation

    Questions? Email us at hello@kaaiaa.co or message us in the box below for a free phone consultation. 

    Nav Grewal, PT