Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Kaaiaa Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

    Men's Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in Calgary

    Saturday, October 01, 2022 12:33 PM Comment(s) By Nav Grewal, PT

    You are not alone and there is treatment available to help.

    Pelvic Health is Men’s Health as well. In the past seven years, I have seen countless men (of all ages) with bladder, bowel, and pelvic pain issues. I had the pleasure and rare chance of working with ateam of three urologists in Toronto, which allowed me to assess and treat men.

    Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is often associated with female health, prenatal and postpartum, or during menopause. However men can have issues “down there” as well and here are common signs, symptoms and medical conditions that can be treated with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy.

    Signs and Symptoms:

    -urinary/bowel urgency and frequency

    -urine/bowel retention and incomplete emptying

    -urine/bowel leakage and dribbling


    -pain: low back, hips, groin, pubic, tailbone, inner thigh, lower abdominal

    -pelvic pain: pain with ejaculation/intercourse, penile, testicular, prostate, bladder, anal

    -abdominal separation and/or weakness

    Medical Conditions and Diagnoses: (technical terms your physician may use)

    -stress urinary incontinence

    -mixed or urge urinary incontinence

    -fecal incontinence

    -fecal urgency and frequency

    -bowel dyssynergia

    -pelvic floor dysfunction

    -hypotonic or hypertonic pelvic floor muscles

    -prostatitis (or chronic prostatitis)

    -post-prostatectomy or post-TURP surgery muscle dysfunction

    -chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)

    -diastasis recti

    -levator ani syndrome

    -hard flaccid syndrome

    -painful bladder syndrome

    As you can see, there is a long list of signs and symptoms and associated diagnoses and medical conditions. If you are experiencing any of these, pelvic physiotherapy may help in conjunction with your physician’s treatments to alleviate, reduce, and eliminate your symptoms. Alternatively, many men seek help when medical interventions are not working and this can be due to the symptoms being caused by the pelvic floor muscles. Muscle training and physiotherapy can help you return to your daily activities, physical exercise, work, and social life.

    Questions? E-mail us at hello@kaaiaa.co, comment below, orbook a free phone consult.

    Nav Grewal, PT